The art style we are currently chasing is a somewhat chunky, slightly stylized modelling aesthetic, with fairly strong diffuse texturing. Not being overly concerned with blending of colours and fairly subtle specularity. Pretty much the two main reasons for going down this path, is for the shortened time/resources it takes to make such assets………..and we like it!!!
Below are a couple of the animals that inhabit Hurt World.
The first is a Bor who tends to stick to forested regions, foraging through the undergrowth and being pretty disgruntled by any player who wanders too close.
The second is a Tokar, who is a nimble predatory animal that attacks its prey from a distance before closing for the kill.
Lastly is a Shigi. They were the first animal made for Hurt World and are small passive animals who wander peacefully around grazing and seeking out any Owrongs ( plantable and harvestable fruit ).
We hope to have male, female and baby versions of a lot of the Hurt World animals in an attempt to breathe some life into the world, rather than just having wandering beasts who fulfill x task of a game mechanic.
– Gav